Dickinson Surveyors
Alan Dickinson MRICS GradDiplCons(AA)
Chartered Building Surveyors, Historic Building Consultants
Alan Dickinson’s interest in buildings started with a primary school project on the age of houses and with a land survey of the school playground.
Following voluntary experience since 1980 in the archaeological recording and analysis of buildings he trained with a firm of Architects specialising in conservation work in Rye and Hastings.
Since starting his own practice in 1991 he has retained the same emphasis and has obtained the Graduate Diploma in Building Conservation from the Architectural Association.
He is a member of the Building Conservation Forum of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and of the Vernacular Architecture Group. He is an Affiliate of the Institute for Historic Building Conservation.
Publications have included various reports deposited at the National Monuments Record and “Around Rye in Old Photographs” 1989, “Rye & Winchelsea” 2002 and “Rye Through Time” 2011.
His expertise in the field of historic buildings is frequently called upon to support applications by other Designers for listed building consent.
The Practice is assisted by an experienced former Greater London Council/Inner London Education Authority Senior Architectural Assistant/Job Runner for Refurbishment, New Build and extensions of Schools and other Local Authority buildings. More recently the practice has also been joined by a Graduate in Three Dimensional Design, experienced in computer aided design (CAD) . Practice Management is provided by a former PA/Secretary to a surveying pracctice in London.